


Palette of Closeness: Colors of my world

After a long time, I was again invited to the Kindergarten in Sopot to present my way of painting to children and parents thus participating in an art evening.

Using my feet playing when I was a child is actually what I still do today, I play with my feet while painting and I try to somehow keep the free, spontaneous, childlike even today in developing new ideas for paintings. Now I can truly identify with that driving idea by painting with children in their everyday environment. I came to the children as a guest and lowered my feet into the freedom of creativity of children whose horizons have no limits.

I painted a half-finished work with them and during the duration of the workshop, I almost finished the painting. At the same time, the children painted with their feet around me, they tried this way of painting, and they did not give up. Fifty of them really wanted to paint by holding a brush between their toes, and they really had no problem getting used to the dimension of using their feet instead of their hands as if they were doing it every day. Their energy that I felt is one big generator that pushes me forward and I felt like a part of their company, equal to them. Not that they are equal to me, but through their acceptance of foot painting, I initiated myself into their community as equal to them, one of them.

Grounded with small people of great creative reach, I went into that free creation where new ideas are lined up one after the other and I played in painting inspired by the freedom of the children who surrounded me.

During Painting/Tijekom slikanja